About Rebecca

Rebecca was born on August 24, 1983 in Cleveland, Ohio. The youngest of three, she rose to the challenge of growing up under the watchful eye of two older brothers. Strong and determined to be a force in her own right, Rebecca possessed a love of learning and understood the importance of a good education.

Whether working at a day school or summer camp for the differently abled, tutoring those learning English as a second language, working on projects to benefit the wellbeing of underserved youth, or spending time with her Best Buddy, Rebecca brought the best of herself to whatever she did.

She graduated Magna Cum Laude with Honors from Loyola University Chicago with a Baccalaureate in Psychology and a Minor in Women’s Studies. After graduation she spent a year working in Chicago and serving as a research assistant in the psychology department at Loyola. She was working for University Hospitals of Cleveland and taking postgraduate classes with plans to attend medical school when she was killed in an automobile accident on August 5, 2007 while visiting friends in Chicago.